At night the tea lights look so lovely. My son sits and looks at them and smiles.
I always decorate my table. This year I have opted for a more minimal decor, because I have a toddler that can reach anything that is near the sides of the table. I bought a white owl pitcher, found a tractor, used my old girl and boy farmer statues, a lantern from my wedding, some fake leaves and fruits, and then carved a jackolantern (from a fake pumpkin of course). I hung the jack o lantern from my chandelier ( to create the mood from the Harry Potter Halloween feast scene). I used fishing line to hang it and stuck a fake tea light inside. My son LOVES this!
Last but not least are the huge bookshelves in my family room. I adore books, especially old hardbacks. Most of the year these books are stacked neatly, but I decided to add some whimsy to them this year - again giving it the look of the bookstore from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. All I used were my own books, the fake tea lights, and some odds and ends from around the house. I think it looks fun...neat freaks might stroke out on this one :-)
I am still working on a few things in my house and outside for my door, but I have to say it feels like fall INSIDE my house even though outside it is still 80 degrees. Happy Fall!
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